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Home » The 3 Types of Product Liability in California

The 3 Types of Product Liability in California

In legal terms, product liability is defined as the liability that a manufacturer or trader has when they either produce or sell a product that is ultimately deemed faulty. Many people don’t realize that this goes far beyond a product that doesn’t work in the way that it was intended – there are actually three major types of product liability situations that a consumer might find themselves in depending on the circumstances.

If you have sustained a product liability-related injury in the state of California, our personal injury lawyers are here for you. We do NOT charge any legal fees until we successfully settle or win your case.  For a complimentary case evaluation, please call Johnson Attorneys Group at 1-800-208-3538 at your earliest convenience.

The Three Types of Product Liability Accidents

Generally speaking, product liability lawsuits fall under one of three major categories depending on the exact type of situation you’re talking about. These include:

  • Design Defects. Design defects often occur during the conception phase of a particular product where certain issues render it either useless or dangerous. These defects would be present in the finished product no matter what, regardless of how well the product was constructed.
  • Manufacturing Defects. Manufacturing defects are the types of dangerous conditions that occur during the actual manufacturing process and typically involve either shoddy workmanship, the use of low-quality materials or a combination of both at the same time.
  • Marketing Defects. Also commonly referred to as “failure to warn” defects, marketing defects are present in those products that carry certain “non-obvious” dangerous which could easily be mitigated through proper warnings on the packaging or on the product itself. These dangers are not only present regardless of how well the product is manufactured, but are actually caused by the intended use of the product itself.

Contact the Experienced Product Liability Lawyers at Johnson Attorneys Group Today

It’s always important to keep in mind that insurance companies often employ armies of investigators, experts and other professionals in an attempt to avoid paying out product liability and other types of claims – all in the name of protecting their “bottom line.” This is their right, but that doesn’t make having an advocate on your side any less important. You need a skilled negotiator fighting for you every day in an effort to guarantee that you get the maximum recovery from your California product liability accident that you deserve. At Johnson Attorneys Group, we are proud to act as those advocates for people just like you every day. Our California personal injury attorneys have recovered more than $100 million for our clients. We will never charge ANY legal fees until we successfully settle or win your case, so you have absolutely nothing to worry about.

For your complimentary case evaluation, please don’t delay – contact Johnson Attorneys Group today at 1-800-208-3538.

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