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Home » Sea World Accident Lawyer in California

Sea World Accident Lawyer in California

SeaWorld amusement parks have for generations been among the most popular attractions in America. With parks located in Tampa Bay, Orlando, Williamsburg, and of course San Diego, the franchise attracts millions of visitors each year.

Accidents at amusement parks are reported in the news fairly frequently, yet SeaWorld wouldn’t strike most people as being a particularly dangerous place. Yet there have been many incidents at the parks over the years resulting in serious injury and even death, to both visitors and employees. Truth is, anytime you have an attraction where people gather in large numbers, especially when there are potentially dangerous rides and animals, the potential for an accident resulting in a serious injury or death is higher than usual. If you or someone you know has been injured in a Sea World accident, the personal injury lawyers of the Johnson Attorneys Group are here to help you get the compensation you deserve, with no fees unless we win or settle your case. For a free consultation, call us at 1-800-208-3538

Killer Whale in a Pool at Amusement Park in California, Call Johnson Attorneys Group For Assistance

Types of SeaWorld Accidents

Incidents involving death or injury at the various Sea World locations have typically involved existing medical conditions or equipment malfunction, though sometimes Mother Nature steps in too. Many visitors have suffered heart attacks on rides or due to hot weather. Others have been seriously hurt by malfunctioning rides, and a few have been hit by lighting. Several employees have been killed by the famous killer whales, with one whale, Tilikum, causing three fatalities. In 1979 at the San Diego SeaWorld a visitor was shot and killed by a security guard in what was ruled a justified shooting. 

These types of injuries, besides the heart attacks, are usually blunt trauma, and often serious head injuries. In the spring and summer of 2017 alone there were at least eight reported injuries and deaths at amusement parks and water parks across the nation, including California.

California SeaWorld Accident Laws

When an accident happens in California involving injury, property damage, or death, the court will hold someone liable for the accident or may decide that the parties involved will share a percentage of liability. Negligence can be shown if it can be proven that a party could or should have known an accident could happen. In amusement and water parks, this negligence often involves a failure to maintain rides and equipment or allowing an unsafe condition to exist that could have been rectified.

What Type of Compensation Is Available?

If you have been injured due to the negligence of a person or a corporation, you are entitled to compensation for damages, including medical treatment and ongoing care, including hospital, emergency room, and doctor visits, for any physical and/or mental damage you may have suffered, for any damages to personal property, and for lost wages and for estimated future earnings you will lose because of your injury. There may also be punitive damages awarded to punish the negligent party. Compensation can be significant, which is why you should contact a personal injury lawyer right away after an accident

An Experienced California Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help You Get the Most Compensation

Johnson Attorneys Group has helped our clients recover more than $50 million in compensation over the last several years. If you or a loved one has suffered injury or death in an accident, contact us at 1-800-208-3538 for a free and confidential consultation.

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