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Home » How Can Adult Protective Services Help in a Nursing Home Abuse Case?

How Can Adult Protective Services Help in a Nursing Home Abuse Case?

California’s Adult Protective Services (APS) agency pulls together a variety of other organizations to help ensure the safety and well-being of people 65 years and older and disabled adults ages 18-64. When these valued community members fall victim to abuse, neglect and financial exploitation, APS and workers and affiliates take reports, conduct thorough investigations and take steps to keep dependent adults safe and secure.

All 58 of California’s counties has an APS agency that provides pertinent information and referrals to other organizations tasked with elder protection.

APS Reporting and Interventions

Many reports are initiated by concerned family members or the friends of someone in a nursing home or elderly care facility. Once a report has been filed, an APS caseworker will examine the claim and determine if it warrants an abuse or neglect investigation. An APS field investigator generally meets one-on-one with the victim while assessing the person and environment for indicators of abuse or neglect. Depending on the evaluation and victim’s needs, an APS professional could bring in law enforcement and other social service agencies to protect the well-being of the victim.

In California, some of these affiliate organizations include the following.

  • California Department of Health Services (DHCS): This agency handles abuse claims made against a hospital or health clinic worker. DHCS can help arrange services that include counseling, financial management, residential placement, advocacy, and conservatorship.
  • Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman (OSLTCO): This agency focuses on abuse and neglect allegations that take place in nursing homes, residential, intermediate, and adult day care facilities. The OSLTCO has a trained, certified volunteer staff that investigates neglect and abuse.
  • California Department of State Hospitals: This organization takes the lead on abuse and neglect cases that occur in California State Mental Hospitals.
  • California Department of Developmental Services: This agency has jurisdiction over alleged incidents that happen at State Developmental Centers.

The APS understands that the very health and welfare of elderly Californians are at stake and it brings powerful resources to bear when they are mistreated. The APS can help facilitate first-responder assistance by coordinating investigations and interventions with appropriate county and state agencies. They help elderly community members gain quick access to medical treatment, medications, food, shelter, social and economic support, emergency housing, legal assistance and provide ongoing case monitoring. The value of contacting APS may be that they are a primary agency that will help bring other key professionals to the aid of at-risk elderly members of the community.

Contact a California Elder Abuse and Neglect Lawyer

If you or a valued parent or grandparent have been the victim of elderly neglect or abuse, it’s imperative that you work with an experienced elder abuse and neglect lawyer. At Johnson Attorneys Group, we help the victims of neglect and abuse get the compensation you deserve. Our attorneys do not charge legal fees unless we successfully settle or win your case. Call us today at 1-800-208-3538 for a complimentary consultation and case evaluation.

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