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Home » California Truck Accident Lawyer » How Much Do Lawyers Charge for Truck Accident Claims?

How Much Do Lawyers Charge for Truck Accident Claims?

How Much Do Lawyers Charge for Truck Accident Claims?

Truck accident lawyers specialize in personal injury law. This means that they help victims of all causes of bodily harm, from collisions to assault, and they typically do so on a contingency fee basis. Personal injury victims already face the sometimes devastating financial consequences of accidents. They deserve legal representation without adding to the struggle. For that reason, most truck accident lawyers offer a free consultation where they will listen to the details of your case and offer advice without obligation. Should you decide to work together, they only get paid when they win your case.

What Does a Truck Accident Lawyer Do To Help You Recover Damages?

Using all the information you can provide, a truck accident lawyer will get to work building your case. The tasks they perform vary from case to case. However, some general elements of their job entail:

  • Acting in place of the victim during all conversations with the insurance company and the at-fault party
  • Independently investigating the accident, sometimes with the help of an accident reconstruction specialist, to look for evidence of liability and damages
  • Gathering the information needed to prove liability, such as logbooks, employment and traffic records, truck maintenance and inspection records, and more
  • Interviewing eyewitnesses
  • Collecting statements from friends and family about how your injuries affected your life
  • Using their negotiation skills to argue for a fast and fair settlement
  • Providing a professional presence and a compassionate understanding during an emotionally charged time

Your attorney’s job is to protect you throughout every stage. They battle party’s who may try to violate your rights and help you avoid doing anything that could damage your claim. More often than not, they can settle your case outside of the courtroom. However, if the insurance company fails to counter with a fair offer, your lawyer may advise you to take the case to trial. In that case, they often already have everything prepared to argue your case in front of a jury or judge.

When Do You Need a Truck Accident Lawyer?

A common reason truck accident victims need legal representation is because liability is typically much more complex in these cases than in any other auto accident case. The defendant could be the truck driver, the truck driver’s employer, a truck manufacturer, a third-party mechanic, or the person responsible for loading the cargo. The scenarios in which any of these parties could be liable are virtually unlimited. Sometimes you may have more than one defendant for a single lawsuit, and in some cases, you could have multiple lawsuits for one accident. Managing those complexities without a background in tort law while healing from injuries is almost impossible. Additionally, insurance companies are known to use bad faith tactics to avoid paying claims and pad their bottom line.

Insurance Bad Faith Tactics

If you decided to file an insurance claim before speaking with a truck accident attorney, you should be wary of some examples of bad faith tactics they often use:

  • Denying your claim without providing a reason
  • Refusing your reasonable requests for information and documentation
  • Refusing to pay on a valid claim
  • Intentionally delaying the investigation into your case
  • Misrepresenting the policy language or changing it to fit their agenda
  • Making threatening statements or using accusatory language
  • Offering significantly less money than the claim is worth
  • Requesting unnecessary documents as a delay tactic
  • Blatantly putting the company’s profits above all else

Often these tactics are an effort to frustrate you enough that you will give up or run out the clock on the statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit, so your only option is to accept their settlement offer. However, if you recognize any of these actions, you should consider contacting a truck accident lawyer immediately before the lawsuit deadline runs out.

What Can You Do in the Aftermath of a Truck Accident To Protect Your Right to Damages?

In the immediate aftermath of a truck accident, there may be little you can do beyond waiting for emergency medical services to arrive. However, if you are able, you can take action to start protecting your claim immediately. Some things you can do to conserve your right to compensation include:

  • File a police report. Call the police immediately to report the accident. When they arrive, they will investigate the scene, interview everyone involved, and get the necessary information to file a report. That report will be significant evidence when you file a claim, especially if they mention who they believe is at fault.
  • Document what you can. If your injuries do not inhibit movement, you can start documenting evidence on the scene. Take photos of the truck, your car, and any other vehicle involved, including all visible damages. Photograph your injuries and the surrounding area, paying particular attention to traffic lights, signage, buildings, and any sign of security cameras nearby.
  • Get everyone’s information. Ask the truck driver for their license and insurance information. Document the company’s name on the truck and ask for contact information. If there are any eyewitnesses, gather their contact info as well.
  • See a doctor. No matter what, you need a complete medical evaluation immediately following the accident. If you did not call for an ambulance, you should still get to the hospital emergency department or go to urgent care. These healthcare professionals see auto accident victims almost daily. They understand what information is vital for your medical records.
  • Talk to an attorney. Even if you do not need legal representation, call for a free case evaluation to ensure you know all your legal options so you have the best opportunity to recover all your damages.

Truck accidents typically result in the most extensive damages, rendering victims unable to collect evidence at the scene. However, that does not make you entirely reliant on the police report or the insurance agency’s investigation. Your attorney conducts their own investigation altogether independent of the other two. As a result, they can analyze the scene more thoroughly than you might imagine. Additionally, you can do things in the no-so-immediate aftermath to protect yourself. For example, keep a journal about the experience. Write down what happened as soon as possible when your memory is fresh. Document your recovery and the way the accident affected your life. Continually collect your medical bills and doctor’s notes, and avoid talking to anyone about the accident. Your lawyer can take it from there.

When Should You Schedule a Free Case Review With a Truck Accident Lawyer?

Scheduling a free consultation with a truck accident lawyer as soon as possible only helps your case. Truck accident claims are often complex and require an extensive understanding of the laws that govern tort cases and the trucking industry. Attempting to build your case and potentially battle a combative insurance adjustor representing a large company with unlimited resources would be overwhelming for anyone. For someone recovering from significant severe injuries, it can feel impossible. At Johnson Attorneys Group, our legal team takes a personal approach to every case, treating clients like family and offering 24-hour access to someone who can answer questions and provide peace of mind. We understand the burdens truck accident victims face and use our expertise and resources to ensure you get the financial and emotional justice you deserve. Contact Johnson Attorneys Group at (800) 208-3538 to schedule your free consultation. We only get paid when you get paid.

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