Arm and Hand Injuries Lawyer in California

Serious and even catastrophic injuries occur when a victim of an accident suffers a severe injury to the hand or arm. An injured arm or hand can prevent the victim from doing virtually any work, and from performing even the most basic necessary daily tasks—even such as eating, or drinking fluids, or just holding an object, or tying a shoe—much less more involved activities, like driving or working to earn a living. It’s easy to imagine how extreme the change in your life would be if you suddenly lost the use of an arm or a hand.
If you or a loved one have an arm or hand injury, due to another person’s carelessness or negligence, a California personal injury lawyer from Johnson Attorneys Group can work with you to help ensure your rights are fully protected and that you obtain fair compensation. Call today for a free consultation at (800) 208-3538.
How Do Arm and Hand Injuries Happen?
Arm and hand injuries happen due to a variety of causes and can occur in a wide range of situations, such as:
- Construction site accidents
- Automobile collision
- Machinery accidents
- Slip and fall
- Pedestrian accidents
- Dog attacks
- Public building accident
- Bicycle accident
The most frequently accidentally amputated body part is the finger or part of a finger. Losing a finger can make even the simplest routine tasks very difficult. And, this kind of injury can cause emotional damage as well. There are various other accidental amputations that can happen to the hand or arm, such as disarticulations (separation of two bones or amputation of a body part at the joint), for examples:
- Shoulder disarticulation
- Metacarpal disarticulation (shortening of the finger)
- Elbow disarticulation
- Transhumeral amputation (amputation at the elbow joint)
- Wrist disarticulation
Life Consequences to Victims of Accidental Amputations
Amputees frequently need to be retrained to change occupations. And, victims sometimes must undergo intensive psychological therapy, to adjust to an entirely different way of life. Just the
comments and questions from other people trying to be supportive can be difficult to cope with. And, the instinctive glances from yet others, who are involuntarily mentally processing the fact of a disfigured or amputated a limb, can make mentally adapting more difficult for an accident victim.
What Kinds of Compensation Are Available for a Hand or Arm Injury?
In a California personal injury lawsuit against a negligent employer, contractor, supplier, manufacturer, industrial designer, or another party whose action is responsible for your injury, you may be able to obtain compensation for:
- Medical expenses
- Lost income
- Lost income earning ability
- Pain and suffering
- Loss of consortium (with spouse or partner)
- Punitive damages (designed to punish the guilty party, in some cases)
Why Do You Need a California Personal Injury Lawyer?
Remember, insurance companies have hordes of investigators and expert witnesses to help them minimize the amount they pay for your claim. You need your own financially strong and aggressive advocate to fight to protect your interests. Here is some of the work we do for you as your lawyers in your injury case:
- We provide you with a free evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of your legal case.
- We handle all your medical bills throughout the period of the court process.
- We handle all your prescription medication fees throughout the period of the court process.
- We will find the doctor you need to work with you throughout your healing process, even if you do not have insurance.
- We will communicate with the insurance companies for you.
- We will work to ensure that your rights are fully protected, and we will fight to see that you receive all compensation to which you are entitled under the law.
Contact Johnson Attorneys Group for a Free Case Evaluation
We are a personal injury law firm in California, with 12 locations serving our clients throughout the state. We take the time with each of our clients to ensure they fully understand the legal process. We lead them through the process of getting better. Our law firm will provide you an experienced and aggressive lawyer in a personal injury case, to stand up to the insurance companies and win every dollar that you deserve for your injuries.
Just a few important benefits we offer our clients include:
- We do not charge our clients a fee unless we win or settle their cases in their favor.
- We make ourselves available if you need us 24/7.
- We provide you with a free evaluation of your case.
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If you or a loved one has sustained this kind of injury due to another person’s carelessness or negligence, remember that there is limited time to make a personal injury claim in the California civil court. Contact Johnson Attorneys Group to get the legal process started as soon as possible. Ask for an appointment for your free case review.