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Home » Defective Medical Devices Lawyer in California

Defective Medical Devices Lawyer in California

Many Californians rely on medical equipment to maintain their health and well-being. These necessary medical devices can mean the difference between a productive life and being bed-ridden. Sadly, the list of faulty medical equipment continues to grow and some of these devices may be doing more harm than good. When companies line their pockets selling risky products, it’s important that they are held accountable.

If you have suffered a loss due to a medical device defect, call the Johnson Attorneys Group. We fight to get Californians like you the fair compensation you deserve. Call 1-800-235-6801 for a free case evaluation.

Who Is Liable for Medical Equipment Defects?

The big corporations that make huge profits manufacturing medical devices are often responsible for the faulty products. These companies are tasked with conducting safety tests on the expensive equipment before it reaches patients. Makers of things such as implants, defibrillators, surgical devices and others have a duty to thoroughly vet products before submitting the design for FDA approval.

One of the key issues has been companies that rush their product through the process in order to take advantage of a market need and earn higher profits. They sometimes exploit the FDA’s 510(k) approval program to fast-track items and fail to conduct adequate safety due diligence. This disregard for patient safety can be actionable by a civil lawsuit under California product liability laws.

Common Faulty Medical Equipment and Injuries

While most medical devices prove beneficial to everyday people, others cause tremendous harm.

Some of the more well-known devices and injuries include the following.

  • Metal Hip Replacements: Thousands of recipients have reportedly suffered injuries and toxicity from these implants.
  • Coated Stents: Recipients have suffered blood clots, bleeding and allergic reactions.
  • Pacemakers: Devices have been subject to recall due to life-threatening malfunctions.
  • IVC Blood Filters: These devices have reportedly failed to filter out blood clots. Injuries and deaths have resulted.
  • Transvaginal Mesh Injuries: This surgical implant was designed to help correct incontinence due to pelvic stress. The product reportedly degrades and can cause organ perforation.

Other medical devices that have been flagged for defects and malfunctions include insulin pumps, blood glucose testers, and wheelchairs.

If you or a loved one have been injured due to a defective medical device, put the product in a secure location. This will be important evidence to help prove fault. Put together information about the item, how it was packaged, and any literature that came with it. Do not give the device back to the supplier or manufacturer. Contact an experienced California attorney who can bring a product liability lawsuit against the negligent parties on your behalf. It is fundamentally unfair that you or a loved one should suffer a loss due to someone else’s carelessness.

Contact an Experienced California Defective Medical Equipment Lawyer

When Californians place their trust and lives in the hands of vital medical devices, they should never suffer a loss due to faulty products. If you have suffered a loss due to defective medical equipment, contact the Johnson Attorneys Group. Our experienced attorneys have recovered more than $100 million in client compensation. We also provide a complimentary consultation and won’t charge a fee unless we win or settle your case. Call us today at 1-800-208-3538.

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