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Home » Disneyland Accident Lawyer in California

Disneyland Accident Lawyer in California

Thousands of accidents take place every day in amusement parks across the country. Most of these accidents involve children between the ages of 10 and 14. However, even people above 14 can get injured in amusement parks due such as Disneyland to the negligence of the park operators.

Disney accidents commonly involve rides such as roller coasters rides, bumper rides, and water slides. Since 1955, thousands have been injured while a significant number has lost their lives in Disneyland accidents.

If you have been injured at Disneyland, don’t wait to contact our personal injury accident attorneys at Johnson Attorneys Group. Call us at 1 800-208-3538 today and get a free case review.

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Common Disneyland Accidents Include:

  • Head, neck and back injuries
  • Drowning
  • Bruises, torn ligaments, and broken bones
  • Death from the impact of being thrown out of a ride
  • Traumatic brain injuries due to high speeds and head impact from detached objects

Why A Park Accident Lawyer Is Required

The law allows people who have been injured in amusement parks to launch a claim for compensation for the damages caused by the negligence of park owners and their employees. An injured party can also start a product liability claim against the manufactures of defective machines that caused the accidents. As such, people who have been in a Disneyland accident require the services of an amusement park accident lawyer in California to help them get the compensation for a theme park injury. 

Amusement Park Accident Laws in California  

It is very difficult to prove liability because the courts assume that the people assumed the risk of injury when they used theme park rides or engage in other recreation activities. This means that a court can only hold Disneyland and other theme parks liable for negligence only where the plaintiff proves that such negligence was the main reason why they incurred their injury.

Amusement parks in California can be held liable for accidents that occur to people using the amusement park rides. Based on California laws, it is also possible to hold an amusement park for premise liability accidents such as slip and fall and trip and fall accidents.

Parks Can be Held Liable for Injury in Case of:

  • Failure to provide clear warning signs
  • Failure to maintain equipment
  • Failure to inspect rides regularly
  • Inadequately training ride operators
  • Providing incorrect instructions to riders/visitors

Available Compensations for Victims of Amusement Park Accidents

Victims of amusement park accidents have a right to seek compensation for injuries and related damages.

These damages include:

  • Compensation for financial losses such as cost of hospitalization and rehabilitation, future medical bills, and the loss of the victims earning potential
  • Compensation for pain and suffering experienced
  • Compensation for permanent debilitating injuries

Number of Deaths in Disneyland

Since its inception, 10 deaths have occurred in Disneyland because of the negligence of either the visitors or the attendant. The first death at Disney took place when a 15-year-old boy was thrown off a Matterhorn Bobsleds after unbuckling his seat. Recent deaths include the 1998 accident on the sailing ship Columbia where a loose metal cleat struck the heads of two visitors killing one of them. Further, in 2003, a locomotive accident caused the death of 22-year-old man leading to a wrongful death lawsuit against Disneyland. 

Why You Need an Experienced California Personal Injury Lawyer at Johnson Attorneys Group to Help You with Your Amusement Park Injury Lawsuit

A successful claim should lead to maximum compensation for the types of losses incurred. As discussed earlier, proving negligence under the legal doctrine of assumption of risks is difficult in California courts. This calls for the services of an experienced personal injury lawyer when dealing with Disneyland accidents.

Amusement parks and their insurance companies also seek to limit their liability by raising legal handles that reduce the compensation payable. As such, our experienced Personal Injury Lawyers at Johnson Attorneys Group will ensure that you or your loved one receives the maximum amount of compensation possible.

For your amusement park accident lawsuit, contact the Johnson Attorneys Group of legal professionals. For free legal consultation on your amusement park accident lawsuit, call us on 1-800-208-3538.

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