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Home » Infant Brain Injury Victims Lawyer in California

Infant Brain Injury Victims Lawyer in California

Traumatic brain injuries are one of the leading causes of death and permanent disability in infants and children in the US, according to the Brain Injury Association of America (BIA). An infant can sustain a brain injury from negligent neonatal care, a difficult labor, traumatic birth, and injury from vacuum or forceps extraction during delivery, improper care and monitoring after birth or abusive head trauma (AHT) that includes shaken baby syndrome. Brain injury in infants may lead to indefinite disabilities like cerebral palsy, epilepsy, developmental delays and intellectual disabilities that may require long-term physical therapy and occupational therapy.

If your newborn has been diagnosed with a brain injury, and you suspect it’s the result of negligence from medical providers or careless actions by a caregiver, you need to contact a catastrophic injury lawyer in California. Johnson Attorneys Group is committed to helping people by protecting the rights of our clients and their families. Call us today for a free case review 1-800-208-3538

You may be entitled to economic damages for past, present and future medical expenses for your child and non-economic damages for the life-altering effects that an infant’s brain injury can have on his or her quality of life and the potential long-term or lifelong special needs care that may be needed along with any unforeseen expenses that may arise.

Diagnosing Brain Injuries in Infants

Diagnosis for infant brain injury begins when new parents or a doctor notices the telltale signs and symptoms that likely indicate brain damage within the first few weeks of an infant’s life that may include:

  • Distorted facial features
  • Abnormally large forehead
  • Irregular spine shape
  • Difficulty focusing eyes
  • Neck stiffness
  • Excessive crying
  • Feeding problems
  • Trouble sleeping while lying down

If there is a suspicion of injury to the brain, your doctor will conduct testing for eye and motor responses to calculate the baby’s Pediatric Glasgow Coma Score (AmE) to assess his or her level of consciousness and help define the severity of the brain injury. Based on the AmE score, your doctor may then order a CT head scan or MRI test for imaging that can determine if there is a skull fracture or brain hemorrhage present. Further testing with an EEG may also be necessary to track and record brain wave patterns to determine the brain’s communication level.

You Need an Experienced Infant Brain Injury Advocate on Your Side – Get a Free Case Review

Faced with the uncertainty that comes with caring for an infant that has suffered a brain injury as a result of negligence is frightening. It is very important to take action now and contact an experienced, qualified catastrophic injury attorney to deal with insurance companies, medical attorneys and other parties of interest so you can focus on caring for your baby and making sure he or she gets the best possible medical care so that your family can begin the journey of moving forward. Call Johnson Attorneys Group at 1-800-208-3538 for a free, no obligation consultation. We have recovered more that $100 million for our clients in California over the past few years, learn more about clients we’ve helped by viewing our case results.


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