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Home » Lithium Battery Explosion Lawyer in California

Lithium Battery Explosion Lawyer in California

Fire and explosions due to lithium battery have become common. Lithium battery-operated devices, either rechargeable or disposable, including laptops, cell phones, tablets, watches cameras, hover boards, flashlights, electric vehicles, and e-cigs are all around us. Regardless of the device in use, if the lithium battery explodes, such an explosion can burn a whole house, cause a road accident, or catastrophic injuries. According to USFA, the use of Lithium Ion Batteries in e-cigarettes poses immense dangers. Between 2009 and 2016, the US media reported 195 cases of injuries due to lithium battery explosion.  While 133 victims sustained acute injuries, 29% had severe injuries that required visiting the emergency room. Of the total lithium battery fire and explosion injuries, 62 percent of the devices were either in the pocket or when in use.

If you or your loved one was injured as the result of battery exploding, then you need a skilled products liability attorney to fight for your rights. Find out how we can help in your battery explosion case. Contact us using our online web form or call 1-800-208-3538 for a no-obligation case evaluation. The call is free, and our law firm won’t charge you a dime unless we come to a successful resolution of your case.

Why Do Lithium-Ion Batteries Explode?

Compared to the lead-acid batteries, Li-ion batteries feature a high energy density allowing the manufacturers to push even more power into them. They feature a circuitry that prevents overcharging and short-circuiting. A malfunction may cause the battery to start overheating in a process known as ‘thermal runaway.’ During this chemical process, the heat will continue to build up until the battery ruptures in flames. While improper use, shock due to accidental falls, poor charging practices, exposure to extreme temperatures, or poor installation may be the culprits, poor quality control during the manufacture may be to blame for the fire and explosion.

Injuries from Lithium Batteries Explosions

Per NFPA, the fact that all our devices have lithium-ion batteries comes with tremendous problems. If we focus specifically on the e-cig explosions and fires, the various trauma and burn units in the US have been recorded a drastic increase in the injuries. Most victims visit the units with mild or severe flame burns on the face, mouth, fingers, hands, and arms that dig into the internal body tissues. Some even lose their eyes after such unfortunate incidents.

What’s more, cases of phone lithium batteries exploding when in the pocket or in use have been on the rise. The users are left with excruciatingly painful second and third-degree burns on the legs, thighs, chest, and breasts, that demand skin grafts.

Dealing with Lithium Battery Explosion Injuries

Severe lithium-ion battery explosion injuries require hospitalization and cash for the settling of medical bills. Other than the hospital bills, the victim may suffer emotionally, psychologically, financially and socially. The patient deals with the huge pain from the severe burns on the body and the considerable damage to property. Not to forget that he/she has lost wages and salaries due to the days spent on treatment. Besides, the disfiguration that arises from the burns on the face, hands, and arms will make them suffer psychologically and feel socially alienated.

Our California personal injury lawyers will assist you to find a doctor even if you lack medical insurance. Plus, we relieve you the agony of having to deal with your insurance firms. Our experienced attorneys will help you pursue compensation for your injuries.

Who’s to Blame for Lithium-Ion Battery Explosions?

In Lithium-ion battery explosion lawsuits, manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, and retailers can be held liable.  A defect in the lithium powered device may be the cause of the explosion. Or the parties involved had a duty to ensure proper handling, manufacturing, and storage but they breached the duty by displaying negligence from the design, storage to the selling.

To build a compelling case, you must preserve all the evidence. Be sure to take photos at the accident scene and retain the remaining materials. Then contact an experienced personal accident lawyer who can guide you through the lawsuit.  If our California injury legal staff proves that the device exploded due to manufacturing defects, poor storage before selling and more, you may be compensated. Monetary compensation is for the pain, loss of wages, medical bills, lowered quality of life, property damages and more.

Contact a Lawyer Competent in Lithium-Ion Battery Explosion Cases in California

If you have suffered injuries due to a lithium-ion battery explosion, our California personal injury advocates can help. Over the past years alone, Johnson Attorneys Group has helped recover more than $100 million in compensation for our clients. We don’t charge a dime until we have won and settled your case entirely. Call Johnson Attorneys Group 24/7 at 1-800-208-3538 for a complimentary case evaluation.

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