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Home » Loss of Hearing Injury Lawyer in California

Loss of Hearing Injury Lawyer in California

Loss of Hearing Victims Lawyer in California

Job-site noise contributes to hearing loss with 48% of plumbers and 44% of carpenters reporting varying degrees of loss of hearing. Other lines of work affected by noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) include manufacturing, mining, transportation, military, musicians and agricultural. Some illnesses and medications can also cause hearing loss side effects. Trauma like a punctured eardrum or fractured skull can result in ear damage, hearing impairment or deafness.

If you have suffered temporary or permanent hearing loss as a result of NIHL on the job or hearing impairment from damage caused by an auto accident, doctor prescribed medication or a vicious assault, you need a legal advocate to help you obtain the best medical care available and deal with the insurance company’s representatives so you can move forward with your life. Your injury may entitle you to both economic damages for lost income, medical expenses and non-economic damages for the pain and discomfort that your hearing loss has impaired your quality of life. Contact an experienced hearing loss attorney in California at Johnson Attorneys Group to get the help you deserve.

Signs of Hearing Loss and Damage

You may first notice a ringing, buzzing or hissing sound (tinnitus) accompanied by vertigo, ear pain, irritation or drainage from the affected ear. Other symptoms of hearing loss include difficulty understanding what others say face to face or on the phone because of muffled hearing and listening to the radio or TV louder at a higher volume. Others may have told you that you speak too loud. If you experience any of these warning signs, you are in need of a detailed hearing screening by an audiologist.

Types of Hearing Loss

According to the Hearing Loss Association of America, approximately 20% of individuals in the US report some degree of hearing loss. In the workplace, as hearing impairment increases, wages decrease. Exposure to noise and intense sounds producing a continuous noise level of 85 decibels (dB) or higher will cause either temporary or permanent hearing loss. There are two main types of hearing loss:

  • Temporary Threshold Shift – A temporary threshold shift, also known as auditory fatigue, is the sudden experience of reduced hearing after exposure to high levels of noise. Hearing recovery depends on the level of noise and the length of your exposure.
  • Permanent Threshold Shift – Both regular and short-length exposure to high sound levels and noise may cause a permanent threshold shift. It can occur suddenly or progress slowly over time and results in permanent, irreversible loss of hearing.

Treatment Options for Hearing Loss

It is important to seek prompt medical treatment for hearing loss as a result of trauma or sudden, unexplained loss of hearing to better increase your chances for recovery. Your doctor will determine if surgery or medication can help improve or restore your level of hearing and auditory function. Your quality of life for permanent hearing loss can be remedied with the benefit of hearing aids or other amplifying and sound enhancing devices. Learning to live with a hearing impairment will involve your family and friends, be sure to let them know how they can help you better understand them.

Get a Free Hearing Loss Case Evaluation in California from Johnson Attorneys Group

When you are faced with a permanent hearing impairment from someone else’s negligence, it is very important to take action and contact an experienced, qualified catastrophic injury attorney to help ease difficult everyday adjustments and financial burdens by recovering the maximum compensation for your injury. Call Johnson Attorneys Group at 1-800-208-3538 for your complimentary case evaluation. We have recovered more than $100 million for our clients in California, learn more about clients we’ve helped by viewing our case results.

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