Loss of Eyesight

Ocular trauma is second only to cataracts as the most common visual impairment cause in the US. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 20,000 eye injuries in the workplace occur annually. It is estimated that up to 90% of all eye injuries are preventable with the use of protective eyewear. There are several different illnesses or injuries that may cause the loss of eyesight including head trauma, particles or objects in the eye, chemical exposure, electrical shock or medical malpractice events. Reduced or limited vision loss or blindness is a devastating injury for the duration of a temporary condition and especially as a life-long permanent disability.
If you or a loved one has suffered as a result of negligence from careless actions or a disregard for the safety of others in an auto accident, dangerous conditions at work, medical malpractice situation or vicious assault, you need a legal advocate to provide you with the legal service and support you deserve so you can focus on moving forward with your life. Contact the Johnson Attorneys Group in California today to get the help you deserve. Your visual impairment injury may entitle you to both economic damages for medical expenses and non-economic damages for the life-changing effect that the pain and discomfort your eyesight loss has had on the quality of your everyday life and the lives of those you love.
Understanding the Forms of Eyesight Loss
Individuals who suffer vision loss have to learn to overcome limiting abilities to perform everyday activities for self-care and are often left with an inability to rejoin the workforce. Diagnosis factors include permanent or temporary duration and full (complete blindness) or partial blindness (varying degrees of vision impairment). Patients can suffer from blindness in one eye (unilateral blindness) or blindness in both eyes (bilateral blindness). Treatment will depend on the cause of the eyesight loss and early medical care will ensure the best possible outcome.
Common Causes of Trauma Resulting in Blindness
Damage to any part of the eye, optic nerve or brain receptors responsible for vision can lead to blindness. There are several disease-related causes of cataracts, diabetes, and degeneration from age or inherited eye disease. Injuries affecting eyesight from trauma can include symptoms from a concussion or traumatic brain injury, foreign objects or particles, lacerations, and corneal abrasion, hyphema (hemorrhage caused by direct blunt trauma), unprotected exposure to chemicals or ultraviolet keratitis (exposure to direct ultraviolet light).
Contact Johnson Attorneys Group for Help with Your Loss of Eyesight Case in California
When you are faced with a visual impairment as a result of someone else’s negligence, it is very important to take action and contact an experienced, qualified catastrophic injury attorney to help ease difficult everyday adjustments and financial burdens by recovering the maximum compensation available to you in the state of California. Call Johnson Attorneys Group at 1-800-208-3538 for a free consultation. We have recovered more than $100 million for our clients over the past few years, learn more about clients we’ve helped by viewing our case results.