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Home » Motorcycle Accident: California Motorcycle Laws

Motorcycle Accident: California Motorcycle Laws

Protect Yourself Before and After a Motorcycle Accident by Following California Motorcycle Laws.

Nearly 5,000 motorcycle accidents occur in California every year. When accidents involving motorcycles occur, many are quick to assign blame to the motorcyclists due to the inherently dangerous nature of this vehicle. Therefore, motorcyclists not only face physical risks while out riding but also unjust legal repercussions due to poor reporting by the other parties. If you regularly ride your motorcycles in California, you can help protect yourself from legal repercussions after an accident by closely abiding by local laws.

To acquire legal representation after a motorcycle accident occurs, call 1-800-208-3538 to schedule a free consultation with our team at Johnson Attorneys Group. We utilize our extensive experience to protect your rights and secure compensation for your injuries as you focus on recovering from the accident.

Special License Requirements for Motorcycle Riders

To legally ride your motorcycle on public California roads, you must obtain a Class M1 license from the local Department of Motor Vehicles. If you are involved in a motorcycle accident and fail to hold the correct license type, you will receive traffic tickets and your ability to safely pilot your vehicle will come into question during the collision investigation. Furthermore, acquiring this special license will help prepare you to safely ride your motorcycle on public roads.

To acquire this special license, you must pass the basic driver knowledge test and a special motorcycle knowledge test before moving onto the next phase of the licensing process. After passing those written tests, you will need to pass a motorcycle skills tests in either a public traffic environment or private course.

Safety Equipment Essentials for California Motorcyclists

The injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident are often much more severe than those experienced while riding in a protective vehicle. Since motorcycles lack safety barriers that can lessen your impacts, you must wear protective gear, such as a helmet, leathers and eye protection, while you ride. The State of California legally requires that you wear a high-quality helmet that fully complies with the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) requirements.

In addition, you should cover your bare skin as much as possible with heavy clothing and closed toe boots. This extra gear will protect you from sustaining road rash if you are knocked off your motorcycle onto the roadway after a collision. If you do not have a full-face helmet, consider wearing protective eyewear, which can keep debris out of your eyes and prevent accidents caused by poor visibility.

Recent Motorcycle Law Changes in California

In an effort to reduce traffic on local freeways, California lawmakers recently approved a law that made lane splitting legal. This maneuver allows you to pilot your motorcycle between lanes, weaving between the vehicles on each side. Unfortunately, many people are not fully aware that they must watch for motorcyclists utilizing this maneuver to make their way through traffic.

As a result, the unaware drivers could turn into your path while changing lanes or even while adjusting their placement in the lane. While performing lane splitting maneuvers, follow the letter of the law to avoid accidents with other vehicles and protect yourself from the at-fault consideration if a collision occurs.

Acquiring Legal Representation After a Motorcycle Accident

Here at Johnson Attorneys Group, we strive to help you focus on recovering from your injuries while we handle the legal proceedings resulting from your motorcycle accident. We encourage you to call 1-800-208-3538 for a free consultation as quickly as you can after an accident occurs. We are well-versed in securing positive resolutions for legal issues that arise after our valued clients suffer injuries in a motorcycle accident. Give us a call today at 1-800-208-3538 to see how we can help.

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