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Home » Multi-Vehicle Pile-Up Accident Lawyer in California

Multi-Vehicle Pile-Up Accident Lawyer in California

A multi-vehicle pile-up is defined as an automobile accident involving several cars. Unfortunately, these destructive events happen all too often on California roadways. Being involved in a frightening multiple vehicle collision can result in injury, vehicle damage and fatalities. With factors like speed, carelessness behind the wheel and poor weather conditions, it is important to practice safe driving techniques in dangerous driving conditions and be informed about what you should do in the event of a chain-reaction crash.

At Johnson Attorneys Group your consultation is free, and you will not pay any legal fees unless we are successful in resolving your case. Contact us at 1-800-208-3538 today to schedule your multi-vehicle pile-up accident case review today.

Heavy Traffic

If You Are Injured in a Multi-Car Collision

In the likelihood that you or your passengers are injured, seek immediate medical attention from first responders on the scene or be seen for an evaluation and treatment as soon as possible. Even if you don’t think you’ve been injured, you may have injuries that aren’t immediately apparent. If you or someone you love has been injured in a chain-reaction crash on a California roadway, you don’t have to face the coming medical issues and legal proceedings on your own. Seek proper legal representation from an experienced attorney with extensive knowledge of multiple vehicle collision accidents. The advocates at Johnson Attorneys Group have won thousands of cases in California and have the resources to help you win or successfully settle your multi-vehicle pile-up case.

Severe Weather as a Major Factor

A pile-up generally occurs on high-capacity and high-speed highways and freeways. In general, a single or two car accident can easily turn into a major vehicle pile-up with factors like dangerous weather conditions causing low visibility and drivers following too closely. With little formal research in the US to show statistics regarding cause, it can be difficult to determine negligence in such cases. Severe weather is a common contributor to multi-car crashes.

Who is at Fault in a Chain-Reaction Collision Event?

Determining liability in a multi-car crash can be complex because law enforcement investigators need to establish details for every vehicle involved and consider the weather conditions at the time of the accident. Factors that help determine liability include driver speed, driving too close or other careless actions behind the wheel. The investigating police officer can assign fault or insurance adjusters will negotiate for the most advantageous solution and determine the percentage of fault for each negligent driver. When the fault is determined, an experienced multi-car collision attorney will make sure you get the maximum compensation for your medical expenses, vehicle damage claim and pain and suffering.

Contact a California Auto Accident Lawyer at Johnson Attorneys Group for a Free Case Review Today

If you are dealing with injuries resulting from a multi-vehicle pile-up accident, it is very important to take action and contact an experienced, qualified auto accident injury attorney to deal with law enforcement, insurance companies and other parties of interest so you can begin healing and the process of moving forward. Call Johnson Attorneys Group at 1-800-208-3538 for your free case review.

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