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Home » Quadriplegia Injury Lawyer in California

Quadriplegia Injury Lawyer in California

Willie David Moten, 64, Fatal Bakersfield Pedestrian Accident Lotus Lane

Quadriplegia, also known as tetraplegia is the loss of control and feeling, from paralysis, of arms, legs, and torso. Quadriplegia injury is caused by complex paralysis resulting from illness or traumatic injury to the brain or upper spinal cord. Some quadriplegics have retained the ability to move their arms with little or no hand control, but the majority of individuals have complete quadriplegia with no functionality below the neck. New and experimental treatment can offer hope for some increased function but rehabilitation mainly consists of retaining muscle tone and encouraging circulation.

A devastating quadriplegia injury includes many lifelong changes that also greatly affect loved ones. Substantial medical care, discomfort, and pain, loss of income and mounting medical expenses can be overwhelming. If you or someone you love has been severely injured with a catastrophic quadriplegia injury, you need to understand your legal options to financially protect your family and your future. An experienced catastrophic injury attorney in California will provide you with the legal support you deserve and be your advocate to recover the maximum compensation for your quadriplegia injury and the drastic life changing limitations that result from a catastrophic injury and subsequent functional disability.

Quadriplegia as a Result of Spinal Cord Injury

The leading cause of paralysis, including quadriplegia injury, is caused by traumatic spinal cord injuries (SCI) affecting approximately 12,000 Americans each year. According to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center (NSCISC) at UAB, 47% of spinal cord injury patients are diagnosed with quadriplegia with an SCI located in the neck (cervical area). Here is a list of the leading causes of spinal cord injuries according to the NSCISC:

  •         38% from Motor Vehicle Accidents
  •         30% of injuries resulting from Falls
  •         14% occur from Acts of Violence
  •         9% are as a result of Sport Injuries
  •         9% combined percentage for ‘Other‘ causes

Living with a spinal cord injury resulting in quadriplegia is different for each individual. The level of independence depends on the type and severity of the injury. Positive determination during rehabilitation in physical therapy, relearning everyday activities and developing a self-care routine is vital to delay muscle atrophy, osteoporosis, dangerous respiratory illnesses and other potential complications.

Quadriplegia Injury Diagnosis and Treatment

A patient’s paralysis is diagnosed as complete, incomplete, partial or periodic by taking into account factors like the type and severity of the injury and the degree of functionality and sensation for each individual. Treatment of quadriplegia begins with treating the injury, usually with surgery, then rehabilitation with passive physical therapy to help increase circulation and retain muscle tone and relearning everyday activities. Many new medical treatments have recently become widely available like functional neuromuscular stimulation (FNS) that utilizes electrodes to stimulate a patient’s muscles.

Contact an Experienced Quadriplegia Injury Attorney

Representation by a qualified, experienced catastrophic injury attorney is crucial to ensure you are awarded the maximum compensation possible for medical bills including future medical needs, compensation for pain and suffering and loss of income and future income. Johnson Attorneys Group will stand up for your legal rights to make certain you receive the best medical care available and you are awarded just compensation for your quadriplegia injury. We have won thousands of cases in California and have the resources available to win or successfully settle your case. Call us today at 1-800-208-3538 for your free case review.

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