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Home » Rear-End Accident Lawyer in California

Rear-End Accident Lawyer in California

Have You Been Involved in a Rear-End Car Accident?

If you’ve been hit from behind while driving, you are probably dealing with significant medical and property damage consequences. Fortunately, rear-end collisions in California are usually clear-cut in terms of recognizing the driver who rear-ended you is at fault. When it comes to compensation, the matter can be equally straightforward — especially if you have an experienced legal team to represent you. Our California car accident attorneys are determined to get you the compensation you deserve, while also ensuring that no details of the case are misrepresented against your interests. For a complimentary case evaluation to discuss a rear-end collision, call Johnson Attorneys Group at 1-800-208-3538 today.


How Are Rear-End Collisions Investigated? Who is at Fault?

In legal terms, a rear-end collision occurs when a car, truck or other vehicle is hit by the car behind it. The cases almost always involve a scenario in which the in-front car was legally halted at a stop light or sign, or was driving at slow speeds in traffic. Given the characteristic damage left behind by rear-end accidents, it’s easy to establish who hit whom. The leading cause of rear-end collisions comes from a vehicle following another too closely, or when that driver lets their attention wander. In other cases, the driver in front may need to come to a sudden stop, and because the driver in the rear hasn’t left the legally-required amount of space between the vehicles, a collision ensues.

California law is very clear that fault in a rear-end collision will almost always be found with the driver in the rear car. That’s because even if the driver in front stops suddenly, anyone behind is expected to have kept enough distance to also be able to stop safely. An exception to this is if the driver cuts in front of you.

Our California personal injury lawyers will help you evaluate factors that are usually relevant in compensation cases involving rear-end crashes. These include whether the car behind you was attempting a left-hand turn and whether there were any other violations of traffic law. In addition, we’ll review what the driver may have said at the scene, whether there were any witnesses, and if other negligent drivers were involved.

How Much is a Rear End Accident Worth?

Compensation to the victim of a rear-end collision is usually dependent on the extent of a person’s injuries and how much the damage to the car amounted to. If you were injured and had expenses or lost income as a result of the accident, you’ll be entitled to that compensation as well.

Specific expenses, which we’ll help you evaluate, include out-of-pocket medical costs, including hospitalization, doctor appointments, and medication. We’ll also help calculate any income you’ve already lost — or expect to lose in future earnings — as a result of your injuries or transportation issues. Of course, the cost of repairing or replacing your car and anything that was in it at the time of the accident will also be a factor.

In addition, “pain and suffering” will be considered. While it’s hard to put a figure on the emotional and physical toll an accident takes on your quality of life, victims of rear-end collisions are often entitled to compensation for pain and suffering.

How Can an Attorney Help?

Depending on the severity of the accident, insurance settlements can be thousands or even millions of dollars. Despite the fact that rear-end collisions are considered fairly straightforward by legal authorities, insurance companies may not view things the same way. A dedicated California rear-end car accident lawyer helps ensure that you are in a good position to fight for compensation after a rear-end collision. The financial losses include:

  • Reimbursement for car repair or replacement
  • Car rental fees
  • Medical expenses
  • Lost income
  • Punitive awards for serious accidents

Contact a Car Accident Settlement Lawyer in California – No Fees Unless We Win or Settle Your Case.

Contact us at 1-800-208-3538 for a free evaluation. You won’t be charged unless we settle or win the case.

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