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Home » Signs of Nursing Home Neglect

Signs of Nursing Home Neglect

When you have a loved one who requires nursing home care, it can be difficult to choose which continuous care community will best meet the needs of your family member. Once you settle on a facility for this important responsibility you do so with the expectation they will fulfill their end of the bargain by providing expert and compassionate care for your loved one. Unfortunately, the sad reality is that far too many nursing home patients become victims of nursing home neglect or abuse. Which is why it’s so important to understand the signs of nursing home neglect, so you can make sure you can be vigilant in protecting your family member from negligence.

How widespread is the problem? According to the California Attorney General, the California Senate Office of Oversight and Outcomes reported in 2009 that the rate of cases involving elder neglect, abuse, or exploitation accounted for 13 percent of all complaints to the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman. Accounting for more than twice the national rate, which was only five percent.

If you or your loved one has been a victim of nursing home neglect, our California personal injury attorneys at Johnson Attorneys Group will work hard to get you the compensation you deserve. Give us a call today for a free case review at 1 800-208-3538.

California Nursing Home Neglect Laws

California has strict laws in place to protect elderly people who live in nursing homes. Not only does the state require facilities to be licensed, but they are also subject to routine inspections to make sure there are no obvious indications of nursing home neglect, such as:

  • Insufficient food for residents.
  • Insufficient water for residents.
  • Temperatures that are excessively hot or cold.
  • Buildings in varying states of disrepair (leaking roofs, mold, garbage in need of collection)
  • Rodents or insect infestations
  • Medication manipulation (given too much or too little medication or having certain medications withheld)
  • Exploitation of residents
  • Bedsores

The sad reality is these things do happen along with instances of outright nursing home abuse where residents are victims of thieves, elder sexual abuse, physical abuse, malnourishment, and even the withholding of water.

What Type of Compensation is Available?

If you feel like you’ve seen signs of nursing home negligence you do have options available to you. Contact our nursing home negligence attorneys at Johnson Attorneys Group right away to determine if you have a case for nursing home negligence and what your next move should be. Finding the right nursing home negligence lawyer in California isn’t as simple as opening a phone book, though. Choosing the wrong nursing home lawyer could leave a lot of money on the table, money that could be instrumental in helping you get the care your loved one requires.

Our nursing home negligence attorneys at Johnson Attorneys Group have experience going to the mat for our clients and will do the same for you. You want a nursing home negligence lawyer that not only has experience securing settlements, but that can and will go through the trial to help you get the compensation your family deserves for your loved one’s ordeal. Our attorneys have recovered more than $98.4 million for our clients in the last few years alone.

Our California Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help You Get the Maximum Recovery for Your Nursing Home Neglect Case

Our personal injury attorneys work hard to help you get the compensation your family deserves after experiencing the horror of nursing home neglect and/or abuse. Our attorneys know the laws in California that were put in place to protect people, like your loved one, who may not have the ability to stand up for or defend themselves. At Johnson Attorney Group we fight for you and will not charge fees unless we win or settle the case on your behalf. Don’t take negligence from your loved one’s California nursing home sitting down. Call us today at 1-800-208-3538 and work with a nursing home negligence lawyer who will fight for you.

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