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Home » Stroke Brain Injury Caused By Negligence Lawyer in California

Stroke Brain Injury Caused By Negligence Lawyer in California

How Much is My Personal Injury Case Worth?

Are you suffering from a stroke brain injury caused by negligence? Contact Johnson Attorneys Group at any of our 12 locations in California. You’ll get an experienced stroke injury lawyer who can help you locate a certified doctor and win compensation for your injuries. We charge legal fees after we settle your case. Call 1-800-208-3538 for a free case evaluation.

Stroke is a health condition that is caused by low blood flow to the brain hence killing brain cells. The injury is typically caused by diabetes, hypertension, obesity and tobacco smoking.

Between 2005 and 2009, a study conducted in California by the Centers for Disease Control assessed 1,173,353 trauma patients. 37% had a traumatic brain injury (TBI). TBI patients had an average age of 49.2 years, and a high average injury severity score of 4.6.Stroke was discovered in over 1% of TBI cohorts. TBI was linked to ischemic stroke.

If you or your loved one has suffered a stroke brain injury due to negligence, call Johnson Attorneys Group in California by calling us at 1 (800) 208-3538 today!

California Stroke Injury Laws

It is difficult to evaluate the effect of an adverse stroke brain injury attorney and a physician relation on stroke neurology. An increase in therapeutic choices for stroke patients has increased the possibility of litigation. To rationally address this challenge, a stroke clinician needs to comprehend the following basic legal medicine principles.


Competency is the lowest mental ability required to conduct a legal act or perform a constitutional role. It facilitates the establishment of different legal relationships.

Patient-Physician Relationship (PPR)

It’s vital in apprehending legal medicine.PPR is the premise of a legitimate role which a doctor has to his patient. A doctor isn’t obliged to treat a particular person.

PPR needs physical contact between patients and physicians. Formalities are then established. It’s typically considered to be a contract between an individual and a physician. The deal should be terminated appropriately.

It is a process that is usually documented by a patient’s informed consent form or entries a doctor makes in a client’s medical record. A physician should provide adequate information to allow the patient to make conscious choices.

When seeking a patient’s consent, a physician is compelled to provide detailed information such as the available alternatives, diagnosis, the aim of the intended treatment and the risks involved. Failure to which, he could face a legal battery. Most insurance providers exclude it from their policies.

California Negligence Laws

It is essential to understand the comparative fault when filing a lawsuit involving negligence. Several conditions should be met for an action to be termed as negligent;

  • The accused had a legal duty which he breached.
  • There is evidence that his breach of duty harmed the plaintiff.
  • There is clear proof that he should have been aware of the risks of his negligent act.
  • There is proof of the plaintiff’s harm such as lost wages and medical expenses.


In most medical malpractices, the accused hires a stroke brain injury caused by negligence lawyer in California who disputes causation. It has distinct violation standards that the plaintiff must prove. A rule of care is applied. It tests whether a physician uses the necessary care, knowledge, and skill when treating a patient.

Compensation for Injuries Due To Personal Negligence

California law refers to non-economic damages being non-monetary losses such as emotional distress, death, humiliation, injury, pain, and suffering. Stroke injury patients can pursue losses incurred due to a doctor’s negligence. The law caps them at $250,000.

Experienced Stroke Brain Injury Lawyer in California at Johnson Attorneys Group Can Help

Some medical practitioners ignore standard practices. Their negligence could cause you severe brain or neck injury. If you need a stroke lawyer, contact Johnson Attorneys Group in California. We have recovered over $100 million for clients in the recent past. Call us at 1-800-208-3538.

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