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Home » What If I Wasn’t Wearing a Helmet During My Motorcycle Accident?

What If I Wasn’t Wearing a Helmet During My Motorcycle Accident?

Auto and motorcycle accidents can range from fender benders to serious, multi-car pileups; however, accidents involving motorcycles have the potential to cause extreme personal injury, such as traumatic brain injuries, due to the lack of protective frame on the bike. For this reason, it is vital for everyone to wear the proper safety equipment while riding a motorcycle. On the other hand, what happens if someone is in a motorcycle accident while not wearing a helmet? After seeking medical care, it is a good idea to call Johnson Attorneys Group to speak with an attorney with years of experience who always puts the needs of his clients first.

Presence or Absence of a Helmet Impacts Claims

Regardless of location, the decision not to wear a helmet can impact the success or failure of numerous issues related to injuries and motorcycle accidents. If a helmet could have prevented some of these injuries from occurring, it makes it difficult for a case to be won; however, an experienced legal professional can make the difference between a successful outcome and denial or refusal of claims.

Insurance Coverage

One of the most common questions involves whether or not health insurance companies will cover the costs associated with the injuries in a motorcycle accident if the rider wasn’t wearing a helmet. Some factors that might play a role include:

  • The insurance company
  • The extent of the injuries
  • The individual’s pre-existing conditions

In this situation, it is clear that the circumstances of the individual’s case will play a role in any decision. Some insurance companies are more lenient than others when it comes to paying claims. Furthermore, if someone has pre-existing conditions, the insurance company could pin the current injuries on these and refuse to pay. This is why an experienced attorney is necessary to give the client the best chance possible for claim coverage.

The Laws of the State

It is not unusual for a motorcycle rider to be injured as a result of the negligence of another driver. In this situation, the negligent party should be held responsible for the injuries to the motorcycle rider; however, there could be some issues that complicate this. Notably, if the motorcycle rider was not wearing a helmet when the accident occurred, this could make it impossible to recover any claims that may result. In particular, California has a law that requires motorcycle drivers and any passengers to wear a helmet while riding. If the injured party was not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident, this could bar the individual from recovering any claims from the negligent party.

Motorcycle Accident Attorney at Johnson Attorneys Group in California Can Help

When someone is trying to recover claims due to injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident, time is of the essence and it is important to act quickly. Therefore, contact Johnson Attorneys Group today to make an appointment. A friendly professional is always standing by to provide a free consult and answer any questions that might be present. We understand that the legal process can be challenging, which is why we always take the time to make sure that all of our clients‘ questions are answered. Call us today at 1-800-208-3538.

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