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Home » Hip and Leg Injury Lawyer in California

Hip and Leg Injury Lawyer in California

If you suffered a hip or leg injury, it could be devastating in multiple ways. You may not be able to conduct your day-to-day routines, and as such, your quality of life is affected. If your injury is more serious with complications, then you can be looking at long-term impairment. Johnson Attorneys Group represents persons who have sustained hip and leg injuries from an accident. We take the time with each of our clients to ensure they fully understand the legal process, and we even help victims in getting better.

Johnson Attorneys Group represents persons who have sustained hip and leg injuries from an accident in California.

At Johnson Attorneys Group, we offer free case evaluations, and you pay nothing unless and until we recover money for you. Call today for a Free consultation 1-800-208-3538. Hablamos Español

Causes of Hip and Leg Injuries

Serious hip and leg injuries are usually caused by a tremendous force being exerted on the human body, and can be the result from:

What Compensation is Available?

If you prove negligence on the part of the at-fault party by (1) demonstrating there was a duty of care; (2) the at-fault party breached that duty of care; (3) the at-fault party – through the breach of care – injured you; and (4) the injury has a monetary value, then you can obtain compensation in the form of:

  • Economic damages, which includes most things with a monetary value already attached to it, e.g., medical expenses (past and future), lost wages, loss of earning capacity.
  • Non-economic damages, which includes all non-tangible things, e.g., pain and suffering.

Complications Due to a Hip or Leg Injury?

Your hips bear the weight of your body. Hips help you move. An injury to a hip or hips can be extremely painful initially, and cause serious problems later, especially if you are an older or elderly person. There are early complications and late complications associated with all kinds of fractures. Early complications range from soft tissue damage to serious infections. Late complications occur after treatment and materialize in a variety of complications, for example, osteomyelitis or loss of function. Those personal injury victims more at risk of delayed complications include children, whose bones are still growing, and the elderly, whose bones are frailer. For the former, proper bone growth can be affected, and for the latter, death can result prematurely.

Risk of Complication Variables

  • The type of fracture;
  • The site of the fracture;
  • The circumstances and the complexity;
  • Patient-specific risk factors in addition to age;
  • The quality of management of the fracture; and
  • Post-fracture activities.

Contact our California Hip and Leg Injury Attorney for a Free Case Evaluation; No Fees Unless We Win

An insurance company wants everyone to believe that a hip or leg injury is an easy fix, but this isn’t always the case. Johnson Attorneys Group represents persons who have sustained hip and leg injuries from an accident in California. We don’t let insurance companies or other defendants get away without paying fair and just compensation. To schedule a complimentary consultation, call Johnson Attorneys Group at 1-800-208-3538 or contact us online.

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Newport Beach, CA 92660
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