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Top 5 Causes of Vehicle Accidents in California and How to Avoid Them

According to the 2024 California Statewide Collision Overview (CSCO), 10% of all traffic fatalities in the U.S. occur in California. It is impossible to ignore how common and dangerous vehicle accidents can be on California roads. By remaining aware of the top causes of car crashes, you can stay safer behind the wheel and take appropriate action if an accident does occur.

Disobeying traffic signals leads to car accidents.

1. Improper Turning

Improper turning is an exceptionally common error that leads to many car accidents. It entails making an illegal or reckless turn at an intersection by either violating posted signage, turning from the wrong lane or otherwise disobeying traffic laws. Failing to signal adequately to nearby drivers can also constitute an improper turn.

The CSCO indicates that improper turning is the top factor for fatal and harmful collisions among aging drivers. Among all aging driver collisions in California during the data collection period, 9% involved improper turning.

Approaching the intersection slowly and taking your time to execute the turn properly can help you avoid causing an improper turn accident. Signal your intention, yield to oncoming traffic and check for signs posted at the intersection that might restrict certain types of turns. 

2. Speeding

Most drivers are aware of the dangers of speeding, but many choose to violate the speed limit anyway. Some negligent drivers ignore posted speed limits due to impatience, aggressiveness or recklessness. Speeding not only puts the driver at risk but also endangers everyone else on the road, including passengers, pedestrians and other motorists.

According to the CSCO, there were 8,867 fatalities and 31,321 serious injuries in California from 2008-2017 due to speeding or aggressive driving. These types of accidents are common because a speeding driver rarely has enough time to react if a vehicle in front of them suddenly needs to slow down or if a person or obstacle appears on the roadway.

Avoiding a speeding accident can be difficult because you cannot control others’ actions. The best course of action is to drive defensively, keeping a safe and respectful distance from other drivers, particularly if they are behaving recklessly.

3. Failure to Yield

Every motorist is responsible for always observing the right-of-way. When turning at an intersection, drivers must yield the right of way to oncoming traffic. If there is a crosswalk, pedestrians and cyclists almost always have the right of way. For most other situations that require yielding, a yield sign will alert drivers to their obligation to let other traffic proceed first.

Most failure-to-yield accidents happen either due to impatience or distractedness. A driver who is in a rush might neglect to check for traffic or make the rash decision of pulling in front of an oncoming vehicle. A distracted driver who is using a mobile device or handling other objects might not notice a yield sign.

The best way to prevent a failure-to-yield accident is to be constantly vigilant. Refrain from driving while tired so you can adequately focus on your surroundings. Remain aware of other drivers who are preparing to turn so you can take defensive action if they fail to yield to your right of way.

4. Driving Under the Influence

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a serious crime in addition to being extremely dangerous. This means that a person who drives while impaired risks facing criminal charges and a costly personal injury claim. Drugs and alcohol impair a driver’s judgment, reaction times and vision, causing DUI accidents to be some of the most devastating car crashes in California.

Data from the CSCO show that most alcohol and drug impairment collisions happen on weekends. Additionally, 78% of these types of crashes occur between 4 PM and 3 AM. These are the times and dates when people are more likely to be on their way home from a night of drinking, and an unfortunately high number of them make the decision to get behind the wheel themselves.

While it goes without saying that you should find alternative means of transportation if you have any alcohol in your system, it is much more difficult to avoid an accident caused by another driver’s negligence. Exercise extra caution when driving after dark, when most DUI accidents tend to occur. If you notice another driver swerving or exhibiting any other dangerous behavior, attempt to keep a significant distance from them or pull over entirely until they pass.

5. Disobeying Traffic Signals

Common traffic signals include red lights and stop signs. There are also “no turn” signs that prohibit drivers from making left turns, right turns or U-turns at marked intersections. All of these signals are easy to notice by design, but disobeying traffic signals is still one of the top causes of vehicle accidents in California.

These types of accidents tend to occur either because the driver is rushing or distracted. Impatient drivers might drive past a stop sign or red light without stopping if they believe that there is currently no traffic coming from the other directions or if they have sufficient time to make it through the intersection before other vehicles start moving. A distracted driver might, for example, attempt a U-turn at an intersection without first looking to see if a “no U-turn” sign is present.

Avoiding an accident with someone who is willing to disobey traffic signals is very difficult. You might feel completely safe proceeding through an intersection while the light is green, but there is always a chance that a negligent driver will run through their red light and collide with you. Always remain observant of other vehicles around you, even when you are fully complying with traffic laws.

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